Tips to write your wedding vows

Party read, all friends and family invited, your loved one happier than ever. Everything right for the next step, right? Well, not always… There are some people who have some trouble writing their wedding vows. Thinking about them, we got some tips for you. Why? So you have one last thing to worry about. 

Start to write early

The main problem with wedding vows is because people start to write them a week before the wedding. If you are months away from your big day, try to have a notebook or even an app to write down something. Day by day you can write, rewrite, change something and even remember old experiences. All of that makes difference down the aisle. When you put effort and share some past experiences with your partner for friends and family, always make everybody sob. The earlier you start to write, the better your wedding vows are going to be.

Put all your heart on it

We know, sometimes write down something sentimental can be hard, especially for men. However, in times like this, put all your heart on it is the minimum that you shall do. Try to remember all your hard and happy times, travels, significant days, etc. Try to become a little romantic. It doesn’t matter if you write two paragraphs or a full page. The most important is to communicate with a sentiment. Wedding vows when are written like a robot can be the worst thing ever. Try to talk about with some close friends and maybe they can help you with it. We mean, help you remembering special things. Golden tip: put some events from the beginning of the relationship. That works as a masterpiece! 

Be authentic

There are some people who google everything in life. To write a wedding vow, this option is totally banned! There no sense if you copy something from the internet. You have to talk about your relation, your past and your wishes about the future with your partner. You have to be the most authentic possible and not a robot. Do love promises, talk about how happy you are with your partner. Tell him how many kids you want to have; how many countries you want to know with him… These are small things that make a huge difference when someone you love is listening in front of all. Down the aisle. There is no such thing as sharing these words with him. That is an authentic wedding vow.

Now is time to clear your mind, sit down and write a little bit. Good luck and be romantic! And keep in mind: Love is love, no matter what.