5 Aspects to consider for choosing your flower bouquet

Your wedding bouquet is going to be one of the most important elements in your wedding ceremony. There are different things to consider when choosing your wedding bouquet. Here are 5 important aspects to consider when choosing a flower bouquet.

The size of the flower bouquet

Traditionally, brides should choose the size of their bouquet based on their physical size. The modern-day approach says do what you love, make it shine, and if as a petit girl you want a huge cascading bouquet, you’ll never regret having the most beautiful bouquet at your wedding. You don’t want to miss out on a truly fabulous bouquet because ‘they say so’.

The shape of your flower bouquet

There are a few different flower bouquet shapes to choose from. There is an upright bouquet called a posy bouquet, a long cascading bouquet, which is usually held facing your belly button and goes on down to your knees, and the semi-cascade bouquet which isn’t as long as the cascading bouquet, but has got a lot more flowers at the top. The semi-cascade bouquet is like a smaller cascade with a slightly posy structure. The cascading bouquet works best if you have a lot of orchids, if you don’t like orchids then it is better to go for a posy bouquet. For a cascading bouquet, you need flowers that that aren’t stiff; they need to fall really easily. There aren’t many flowers which do this. If you want a garden inspired bouquet, then it’s worth going for a posy bouquet. Garden roses are quite short, so you can’t have them in a long cascade.

The color of your flower bouquet

When you’ve decided on a color scheme for your wedding, choose your flowers accordingly. A bridal bouquet should have the colors of the wedding – plum, peach, burgundy and ochre for instance. Add some white to the bridesmaids’ bouquets so that they tie in with the bridal gown and make sure that the bridal bouquet picks up the bridesmaids’ dresses and groomsmen’s corsages. The different elements should complement each other well. Otherwise, they should all be either colorful or neutral. 

Choosing the ribbon for your flower bouquet

Using a  raw silk ribbon – with raw, frayed edges – to tie up your flower bouquets will work beautifully. Multiple ribbons can also be used. They’ll add a softness as they blow gracefully in the wind. A certain color choice of ribbon will highlight specific flower colors in the bouquet. Natural organic ribbon works better than a satiny ballet shoe type ribbon, because the wedding dress won’t be that shiny and the ribbon might then detract from the dress. Raw silk, although very expensive, is your best option. You could also use torn pieces of chiffon fabric to tie up the bouquets.

Making sure that your flower bouquet stays picture perfect

Use the most luxurious and expensive flowers in the wedding bouquet, and the bridesmaids’ bouquets because they are going to be photographed a lot. Your bouquet features in most of the wedding photographs. The bouquets are going to be out of the water and held for many hours, therefore it’s a good idea to keep them in the fridge before the photographer comes. This helps preserve the flowers and keeps them looking fresh all the way through the night. Have a big vase of water at the bridal table so that you can keep your bouquet in there. It can drink and not look completely dead by the end of the night.

These tips will ensure that your wedding bouquet gets the place of honor that it deserves on your wedding day.