Wedding jewelry: the perfect combination to accent your dress

Your wedding jewelry is the icing on the cake. The neckline and the fabric of the
wedding gown, and the shape of the bride’s face, all need to be taken into account
when choosing jewelry to match her wedding attire. Choosing jewelry which is
flattering is important. It needs to accent the wedding gown, not outdo it. Keep it
simple by avoiding too many colors and too many metals.
The neckline of the wedding gown
 A strapless neckline or a sweetheart neckline suits a choker or shorter necklace.
 A V-neck also looks gorgeous with a choker or a pendant, or both.
 Any necklace will compete with an ornate neckline, so rather jazz things up with a
sparkling pair of chandelier earrings and fresh flowers in your hair.

The fabric of the wedding gown
It’s advisable to choose wedding jewelry based on the color of the fabric of your
wedding dress:
 A white gown is complemented by platinum or silver.
 An ivory gown looks good against gold.
 A wedding dress in hues of pink suits rose gold.
 Very light beige colored wedding attire looks great with burnished silver.

The bride’s face shape
Diamond, square and triangle face shapes have edges, corners, planes and angles.

Sharp and angular faces are best accented with jewelry of similar angles; triangles,
square cut stones or straight lines are sharper in detail.
Heart, Oblong, Oval and Round are soft and curved are complemented by oval or
round shapes, with soft edges.

 Diamond: This face-shape can carry more dramatically designed jewelry. Corners
points and harder edges complement the angles of this face shape. Cut crystals work
well. Any necklace shape will work well with this face shape.

 Heart: The narrow chin is balanced by earrings which are wider at the bottom than at
the top. Avoid tapered earrings. A heart-shaped face can carry multi-stranded
necklaces as well as chokers.

 Oblong: Button stud earrings complement the eyes of this face shape. A choker-style
necklace suits this face shape.

 Oval: This face shape is complemented by any shape of earring and necklace. In
terms of earrings; circles, pearls, teardrops and ovals are lovely with the softer lines
of the face. Balance the size of the earring with the size of the bride. A smaller bride
could be lost in big earrings, just like smaller earrings may be lost on a larger bride.
Balance is key. Make sure to match the necklace with the neckline of the wedding

 Rectangle: To accentuate the width in the face wear medium to large hoops, cluster
earrings or button studs. This face shape looks great with a shorter necklace.

 Round: Longer earrings will make the face look slimmer; drop earrings or dangle
earrings are perfect. A round face needs a longer necklace and any shorter and
thicker necklaces should be avoided. Choose a necklace which adds length and can
be worn with a plunging neckline.

 Square: To soften the edges of this face shape wear medium to long drop earrings
with rounded edges. Choose a necklace which hangs a little bit longer like a T-style

 Triangle: This face shape is also complemented by earrings that are wider at the
bottom and not at the top. The earrings can be more angular. Avoid necklaces which
end with a point.

Not everything has to match. If you contrast your wedding jewelry appropriately,
you’ll create a dramatic and unique effect.
